Snow White Red Handed – Maia Chance

Interestingly enough, while looking up historical mysteries to read, the Fairy Tale Fatal Mystery series by Maia Chance came up. I don’t normally go for giant twists on legendary events (i.e. murder on the Titanic, etc.) because I can’t reconcile the reality with the story. I don’t mind stories that take place and even participateContinueContinue reading “Snow White Red Handed – Maia Chance”

Bedding Down – Molly Garcia

I received the requests to review Murder at Midnight and Bedding Down around the same time, and I have to say that Bedding Down was my favorite of the two. Although it could use some polishing, I thought the plot was well-done, the style of writing pretty easy to follow, and the story teasing enoughContinueContinue reading “Bedding Down – Molly Garcia”