Murder on the Lusitania – Conrad Allen

I’m not sure whether I was more enchanted with the mystery, writing, or the history of the Lusitania itself in Murder on the Lusitania by Conrad Allen. I really had a good time reading this novel; it was really well-written, well-crafted, and entertaining to the end. George Porter Dillman is plainclothes security aboard the Lusitania’sContinueContinue reading “Murder on the Lusitania – Conrad Allen”

Murder Most Malicious – Alyssa Maxwell

Murder Most Malicious is the first novel in the Lady and Lady’s Maid mystery series (which, by the way, could have a more creative name), and introduces the titled Renshaw family. The Renshaws are headed by the Lord and Lady Foxwood, the grandparents of Julia, Phoebe, Amelia, and Fox. Unfortunately, the grandchildren have lost bothContinueContinue reading “Murder Most Malicious – Alyssa Maxwell”