Robert Jackson Bennett (RJB) was introduced to me last year by his pub team and NetGalley. I have eagerly been awaiting his latest installment in the Shadow of the Leviathan series, and it did not disappoint. A Drop of Corruption is another exemplary mysterious fantasy novel. Five stars! Dinios (Din) Kol and his master, Ana Dolabra,ContinueContinue reading “A Drop of Corruption – Robert Jackson Bennett”
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Murder in Mayfair – D.M. Quincy
Murder in Mayfair is D.M. Quincy’s ( debut novel in the Atlas Catesby series, and, while I started with high hopes from the enticing synopsis, they became increasingly lowered as I read on. This book just did not pull it all together for me. Atlas Catesby, usually traveling the globe, has been stuck in LondonContinueContinue reading “Murder in Mayfair – D.M. Quincy”
The Assassin of Venice – Alyssa Palombo
The Assassin of Venice far exceeded my expectations. You know that England is my usual setting for a book, but who can resist the canals of Venice? Amidst this gorgeous setting, trouble brewed and barely stopped. I give this novel four and a half out of five stars. Valentina Riccardi is one of Venice’s primeContinueContinue reading “The Assassin of Venice – Alyssa Palombo”
Unladylike Rules of Attraction – Amita Murray
Anya Marleigh is a musician in Queen Charlotte’s court. Despite her half-Indian heritage, she’s respected for her angelic voice and musical talent. She’d been hired by the recently deceased Dowager Countess Budleigh for private singing engagements and thought they had a pleasant business relationship – until she found out that the dowager had willed herContinueContinue reading “Unladylike Rules of Attraction – Amita Murray”
Locked in Pursuit – Ashley Weaver
Usually, when I want to knock some sense into a character, I’m reading a dubiously written romance novel, not a well-written mystery by a great author; yet, here I am. Although a great story with a twisty ending, Electra McDonnell has never frustrated me as much as she has in her latest release, Locked inContinueContinue reading “Locked in Pursuit – Ashley Weaver”
The Persephone Code – Julia Golding
The Persephone Code by Julia Golding is fast and furious with some likable characters. The characters were the novel’s highlight, although they made one or two strange decisions. I liked how adventurous the plot was, but it could have been more intricate and mysterious. I felt that the supposed center of the plot was almostContinueContinue reading “The Persephone Code – Julia Golding”
Long Live the Baron – Nina Jarrett
I’m not sure how to start this review, to be honest. I try to be optimistic, but I struggled through Long Live the Baron; I would give it a maximum of two stars. The novel was promising based on the synopsis on BookSirens, but it fell apart pretty quickly for me. The characters were blandContinueContinue reading “Long Live the Baron – Nina Jarrett”
Murder by Lamplight – Patrice McDonough
In her debut novel, Patrice McDonough creates an engaging murder mystery. I couldn’t guess the murderer at all, but I thought the characters could have been more robust. Overall, I give the book a 3.5-star rating, but the mystery a 5-star. Bucking rules, laws, and expectations, Dr. Julia Lewis, through a loophole, is licensed toContinueContinue reading “Murder by Lamplight – Patrice McDonough”
Jack Haldean Appreciation Post – Dolores Gordon-Smith
Advisory: This post will include a lot of fangirling, so if you need a TL/DR: Read this series. I started A Fete Worse Than Death in 2020, believe it or not. I’d added it to my TBR a while before that but, like the Ursula Blanchard series, avoided it because I wasn’t a huge fanContinueContinue reading “Jack Haldean Appreciation Post – Dolores Gordon-Smith”
Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Lord – Celeste Connally
Apologies, readers, as I read this book a while ago, forgot to write a review, thought I wrote the review, and am now having to refresh my memory on the whole novel. With that opening sentence, you wouldn’t think I’d be recommending the book to you but, we have to chalk that up to theContinueContinue reading “Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Lord – Celeste Connally”