A Newlywed’s Guide to Fortune and Murder – Dianne Freeman

Finally Mrs. Hazelton instead of the Countess of Harleigh, Frances is looking for a way to fill her time while her new husband, George, is on a mission from the British Museum. She finds one in the dowager Viscountess Winstead, who wants Frances to sponsor her niece, Kate, for presentation to the Queen. When FrancesContinueContinue reading “A Newlywed’s Guide to Fortune and Murder – Dianne Freeman”

Unladylike Lessons in Love – Amita Murray

I was approved pretty late to get the ARC of Unladylike Lessons in Love by Amita Murray, so I apologize for getting this out past the publication date. However, this review includes good news on all fronts so I hope she and the publishers will forgive me! I was gifted a copy of this bookContinueContinue reading “Unladylike Lessons in Love – Amita Murray”