An Affair of Spies – Ronald H Balson

No stranger to writing historical novels, Ronald H Balson has produced An Affair of Spies, a very interesting historical romance thriller. I really enjoyed this novel – historical romance thriller/mystery is my favorite niche category – as I learned a lot amidst an action-packed book. I’d give this novel five out of five stars forContinueContinue reading “An Affair of Spies – Ronald H Balson”

Murder at Midnight – John Ukah

Thanks, The Fearless Storyteller, for reaching out with a copy of Murder at Midnight by John Ukah. I was given a copy of the book and give this review voluntarily.  Alex Simpson, a former police officer now turned private investigator, is having a relaxing stay at a resort he’s been to before, along with anContinueContinue reading “Murder at Midnight – John Ukah”