Kingscastle – Sophia Holloway

3/5 Stars Kingscastle by Sophia Holloway is a standalone romance novel, but I found it engaging and it wrapped up satisfactorily for me. I chose this novel off of NetGalley, and thought, by the description, that it might fit into the romantic suspense genre rather than romance. I feel that it wasn’t very suspenseful, butContinueContinue reading “Kingscastle – Sophia Holloway”

The Ghost of Glendale – Natalie Kleinman

I initially picked up The Ghost of Glendale from NetGalley as I was intrigued by a ghost aspect in addition to a romance plot. Despite its 4-star average, I’d give this novel a three out of five-star rating, and that’s being a bit generous. I received a free copy of this book in return forContinueContinue reading “The Ghost of Glendale – Natalie Kleinman”