Long Live the Baron – Nina Jarrett

I’m not sure how to start this review, to be honest. I try to be optimistic, but I struggled through Long Live the Baron; I would give it a maximum of two stars. The novel was promising based on the synopsis on BookSirens, but it fell apart pretty quickly for me. The characters were blandContinueContinue reading “Long Live the Baron – Nina Jarrett”

The Highgate Cemetery Murder – Irina Shapiro

No stranger to historical mystery authorship (I’m sure I have her Redmond and Haze series on my TBR), Irina Shapiro writes an entirely solid novel in The Highgate Cemetery Murder. This was a smooth read with a satisfying conclusion on all fronts. Overall, I give it a 4.5-star rating.  When Gemma Tate’s brother is killedContinueContinue reading “The Highgate Cemetery Murder – Irina Shapiro”