Shadows of Swanford Abbey – Julie Klassen

Rebecca Lane has always felt a responsibility for her brother since he fell out of a tree on her watch when he was younger. Although she’s been traveling as a paid companion for several years, Rebecca is summoned home by a letter from her brother’s housekeeper stating that she’s concerned about his behavior. When sheContinueContinue reading “Shadows of Swanford Abbey – Julie Klassen”

Kingscastle – Sophia Holloway

3/5 Stars Kingscastle by Sophia Holloway is a standalone romance novel, but I found it engaging and it wrapped up satisfactorily for me. I chose this novel off of NetGalley, and thought, by the description, that it might fit into the romantic suspense genre rather than romance. I feel that it wasn’t very suspenseful, butContinueContinue reading “Kingscastle – Sophia Holloway”

Murder at the Royal Botanic Gardens – Andrea Penrose

4/5 Stars HELLO WREXFORD AND SLOANE! Whew! I was so worried that we wouldn’t hear any more from them after their engagement. I’m so happy they’re continuing to solve scientifically-based crime. In Murder at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Lord Wrexford is ready to introduce Lady Charlotte Sloane to society as his fiancee, a complicated enoughContinueContinue reading “Murder at the Royal Botanic Gardens – Andrea Penrose”

Murder Most Fair – Anna Lee Huber

Thank you, NetGalley, Kensington Books, and Anna Lee Huber for the advanced copy of Murder Most Fair, the newest book in the Verity Kent series. It comes out on August 30, 2021. Verity and Sidney are finally making a 5-year overdue trip to see Verity’s family, all of whom have been hearing her mother sayContinueContinue reading “Murder Most Fair – Anna Lee Huber”

A Test of Wills – Charles Todd

A Test of Wills, the first novel in the Inspector Ian rutledge series by the mother-son duo Charles Todd, produced mixed feelings for me. The mystery was original, and the character of Ian Rutledge even more so. However, I’m not sure how much I enjoyed the tone and the pace of the story. I amContinueContinue reading “A Test of Wills – Charles Todd”

Murder Most Malicious – Alyssa Maxwell

Murder Most Malicious is the first novel in the Lady and Lady’s Maid mystery series (which, by the way, could have a more creative name), and introduces the titled Renshaw family. The Renshaws are headed by the Lord and Lady Foxwood, the grandparents of Julia, Phoebe, Amelia, and Fox. Unfortunately, the grandchildren have lost bothContinueContinue reading “Murder Most Malicious – Alyssa Maxwell”

This Side of Murder – Anna Lee Huber

I started and finished This Side of Murder in the same day, which should tell you how sucked in I was. I made the mistake of finishing it late at night, and the last third of the book made me so apprehensive that I lightly jogged to my bedroom! This is the first novel inContinueContinue reading “This Side of Murder – Anna Lee Huber”

To Shield the Queen – Fiona Buckley

I’ll be honest; I procrastinated checking this book out from the library because I didn’t like the cover. I feel, in that respect, that I did the book a disservice – it’s unfair to not want to read a book because the cover art is bad, just like you shouldn’t feel bad about disliking aContinueContinue reading “To Shield the Queen – Fiona Buckley”

Touchstone – Laurie R. King

Brought to us by the esteemed author of the Sherlock Holmes and Mary Russell series, Laurie R King introduces Touchstone, a borderline thriller-mystery. I will admit up front that I’ve never read any Laurie R. King before, so this is my first exposure to her writing style. I’ve been debating about trying the Mary RussellContinueContinue reading “Touchstone – Laurie R. King”

The Apothecary Rose – Candace M Robb

I’ve stepped about 500 years back in time from my normal historical mystery eras of Victorian and Regency to the 1300’s in York, England. The Apothecary Rose followed Owen Archer, a one-eyed former-army-captain-turned-spy, assigned to investigate the death of one of the Archbishop’s wards. Initially, I was not excited about beginning this book as IContinueContinue reading “The Apothecary Rose – Candace M Robb”