Long Live the Baron – Nina Jarrett

I’m not sure how to start this review, to be honest. I try to be optimistic, but I struggled through Long Live the Baron; I would give it a maximum of two stars. The novel was promising based on the synopsis on BookSirens, but it fell apart pretty quickly for me. The characters were blandContinueContinue reading “Long Live the Baron – Nina Jarrett”

Unladylike Lessons in Love – Amita Murray

I was approved pretty late to get the ARC of Unladylike Lessons in Love by Amita Murray, so I apologize for getting this out past the publication date. However, this review includes good news on all fronts so I hope she and the publishers will forgive me! I was gifted a copy of this bookContinueContinue reading “Unladylike Lessons in Love – Amita Murray”

The Countess – Sophie Jordan

If the first two of my most recent NetGalley romances (A Gentleman Ought to Know and How to Court a Covert Lady) made me want to try writing my own to do better, this one makes me happy to sit back and be a reader. The synopsis immediately grabbed my attention, and I know SophieContinueContinue reading “The Countess – Sophie Jordan”

A Gentleman Ought to Know – Jane Ashford

Ironically, I have the first book in this series on my TBR list! It felt like I was missing a little bit of history while reading A Gentleman Ought to Know, so that explains it. I hadn’t known it was part of a series when I requested it from NetGalley. I am leaving this reviewContinueContinue reading “A Gentleman Ought to Know – Jane Ashford”

How to Court a Covert Lady – Jenny Hartwell

Thanks, NetGalley and Dragonblade Publishing for the gifted copy of How to Court a Covert Lady. I am leaving this review voluntarily. Unfortunately, I’m giving this novel two out of five stars.  Miss Pippa Chester has dreams beyond knitting and sewing like the typical society miss. She reads, writes, and fences at the Ladies CovertContinueContinue reading “How to Court a Covert Lady – Jenny Hartwell”

An Affair of Spies – Ronald H Balson

No stranger to writing historical novels, Ronald H Balson has produced An Affair of Spies, a very interesting historical romance thriller. I really enjoyed this novel – historical romance thriller/mystery is my favorite niche category – as I learned a lot amidst an action-packed book. I’d give this novel five out of five stars forContinueContinue reading “An Affair of Spies – Ronald H Balson”

A Tenuous Betrothal – Jen Geigle Johnson

You know what I haven’t done in a while? Written a blog post! Apologies to all two of my faithful readers who have been eagerly awaiting my next review of a very niche genre (that’s a joke, you may laugh). Onward! You know I’ve been sucked into the historical romance genre, and I’m quite enjoyingContinueContinue reading “A Tenuous Betrothal – Jen Geigle Johnson”

A Slave to Kings – Dodie Bishop

In the third book in the Silence and Shaows series, Dodie Bishop once again brings the drama and the heat with Raphael and Susannah Rossi. I’ve really been enjoying this series, and I hope this isn’t the last novel. I think it wrapped things up with Sam, but I’m hoping Bishop will continue the seriesContinueContinue reading “A Slave to Kings – Dodie Bishop”

Worth Fighting For – Matilda Madison

I wish I knew that Worth Fighting For was the second in a series, but it didn’t hurt the book at all for me. I believe the first book is Worth Waiting For. I found Worth Fighting For to be engaging, if formulaic, and I give it four out of five stars. Catherine, the widowedContinueContinue reading “Worth Fighting For – Matilda Madison”

Our Little Life – Dodie Bishop

I said in my review of The Other Side of Silence (the first in the Silence and Shadows, see review here) that I’d like to see a series stem from the book, and Bishop has fulfilled my wish! Great excitement was had when I saw Our Little Life available for review on BookSirens. I haveContinueContinue reading “Our Little Life – Dodie Bishop”