Murder at Midnight – John Ukah

Thanks, The Fearless Storyteller, for reaching out with a copy of Murder at Midnight by John Ukah. I was given a copy of the book and give this review voluntarily.  Alex Simpson, a former police officer now turned private investigator, is having a relaxing stay at a resort he’s been to before, along with anContinueContinue reading “Murder at Midnight – John Ukah”

Marion Lane and the Midnight Murder – T.A. Willberg

Marion Lane and the Midnight Murder was a bizarre novel that easily could have been several hundred more pages. T.A. Willberg introduces us to a post-WWII London where Miss Brickett’s Bookshop is actually just a front for London’s most secret, underground, and innovative detective agency. Housed in tunnels rumored to have been built by alchemistsContinueContinue reading “Marion Lane and the Midnight Murder – T.A. Willberg”

Absence of Mercy – S.M. Goodwin

Usually, I can tell within the first chapter of a book whether I’m going to like it or not, and I knew after the prologue that I wouldn’t want to put Absence of Mercy down.