In Place of Fear – Catriona McPherson

You may know Catriona McPherson’s name from her Dandy Gilver mystery series (entertaining and comical with excellent plots; highly recommend), as did I before reading In Place of Fear. Now I have a totally different novel and heroine to attribute to her, and they were just as excellent. As far as a standalone mystery goes,ContinueContinue reading “In Place of Fear – Catriona McPherson”

The Reek of Red Herrings – Catriona McPherson

I am well into the Dandy Gilver mystery series, now – this is the ninth book in the series. I had to skip books three and four, I think, because my library didn’t have them! They don’t have the next few, either, so I am seeing what I can do with an interlibrary loan. IContinueContinue reading “The Reek of Red Herrings – Catriona McPherson”

After the Armistice Ball – Catriona McPherson

This is the first book that I’ve read by Catriona McPherson, and I will probably read the second. Pilots are always hard for me, whether they’re a TV show or novel, because of the time it takes to set up the characters and atmosphere. Sometimes a first novel isn’t representative of the rest of theContinueContinue reading “After the Armistice Ball – Catriona McPherson”