How to Court a Covert Lady – Jenny Hartwell

Thanks, NetGalley and Dragonblade Publishing for the gifted copy of How to Court a Covert Lady. I am leaving this review voluntarily. Unfortunately, I’m giving this novel two out of five stars.  Miss Pippa Chester has dreams beyond knitting and sewing like the typical society miss. She reads, writes, and fences at the Ladies CovertContinueContinue reading “How to Court a Covert Lady – Jenny Hartwell”

Miss Tavistock’s Mistake – Linore Rose Burkard

I have to admit, when Ms. Burkard approached me with reviewing Miss Tavisotck’s Mistake, I was a little hesitant, as I’m more of a mystery person than romance. However, I do love some romance in my mysteries, so I thought I’d give it a try. I was far from disappointed, and if you’d like toContinueContinue reading “Miss Tavistock’s Mistake – Linore Rose Burkard”