Death in the Floating City – Tasha Alexander

It’s been so long since I’ve posted because I’ve gotten caught up in doing assignments for grad school – so, my apologies. Believe it or not, I actually have found time to read, just not time to write about it.

However, I just finished Death in the Floating City by Tasha Alexander, and I was so impressed with this book that I had to tell you all about it.

I’ve discussed Lady Emily Ashton AKA Mrs. Hargreaves before, at the very beginning of her series. I’ve made it pretty far as this is the seventh book. Lady Emily has been through A LOT up unto this point, and suffice it to say that books four and five will take you on a wild emotional roller coaster as Emily deals with obstacles that she never expected. I encourage that if you were iffy after the first book, like I was, to give the second a try. 

Now, Emily and her second husband have arrived in Venice to assist an old nemesis of Emily’s after her father-in-law was murdered. This book has everything I could ask for in a puzzling and gripping mystery – including a medium, coded messages written long ago, flirtatious Italians, haunting figures, and characters that are almost always not what they seem.

Emily and her husband must chase down the murderer using clues left by great-great-great grandparents of two warring Italian families. In doing so, they expose family secrets, chase promising leads, spend copious amounts of time in libraries, and work in some romantic trips in a gondola.

This story is so involved that the ending(s) will definitely come as a shock to the reader. Alexander is an author that weaves her words well and knows how to create a surprise. Her particular depiction of Emily’s emotions is so honest and realistic that I was with her every step of the way. Emily’s thought process is clear, logical, and empathetic, which is a pleasure to follow along with and makes Emily almost seem like a real person. Alexander has hit on the right combination of characteristics and voice to make Emily come alive. 

I would love to tell you all more, but then I’d end up giving the whole book away!! I highly recommend this book if you want a gripping mystery set in the romantic streets of Venice. If you’re concerned about the background story; however, start with the first book And Only to Deceive. You’ll really get to know Emily in this novel and will be rewarded for that when you follow her through the rest of the series.

Published by SamIAmReading

I am an avid reader and lover of historical mysteries and romances, but happy to take review requests and expand my horizons! All opinions in this blog are my own and have been given freely.

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