When Gods Die – C.S. Harris

I enjoyed this second installment of the Sebastian St. Cyr series much more than the first. The writing and plot were great in both, I just don’t care for the fugitive-on-the-run plot line. However, it was brave of Harris to use that for Sebastian’s debut novel, and I can’t argue it because it established allContinueContinue reading “When Gods Die – C.S. Harris”

Death in the Floating City – Tasha Alexander

It’s been so long since I’ve posted because I’ve gotten caught up in doing assignments for grad school – so, my apologies. Believe it or not, I actually have found time to read, just not time to write about it. However, I just finished Death in the Floating City by Tasha Alexander, and I wasContinueContinue reading “Death in the Floating City – Tasha Alexander”

Murder at Half Moon Gate – Andrea Penrose

We first encountered the duo of Lord Wrexford and Charlotte Sloane in their first adventure, where they teamed up in order to clear Lord Wrexford’s name of a murder he didn’t commit. Wrexford knows that Charlotte is the person behind the infamous A.J. Quill political cartoons, her most valuable secret. Between Wrexford’s scientific knowledge andContinueContinue reading “Murder at Half Moon Gate – Andrea Penrose”

Title: A Grave Matter

Author: Anna Lee Huber With a sincerely punny title, Anna Lee Huber draws readers into the third installment in the Lady Darby mystery series. Complete with grave robbing, the Scottish mob, and a handsome partner-in-detection, this book is packed with the perfect balance of intricate mystery with a fortifying helping of romance. Don’t let theContinueContinue reading “Title: A Grave Matter”