A Slave to Kings – Dodie Bishop

In the third book in the Silence and Shaows series, Dodie Bishop once again brings the drama and the heat with Raphael and Susannah Rossi. I’ve really been enjoying this series, and I hope this isn’t the last novel. I think it wrapped things up with Sam, but I’m hoping Bishop will continue the seriesContinueContinue reading “A Slave to Kings – Dodie Bishop”

Miss Wetherham’s Wedding – Linore Rose Burkard

My thanks to Linore Rose Burkard for sending me an ARC of her latest release, Miss Wetherham’s Wedding. As you know, I am more inclined to read historical mysteries, but my bread and butter is romantic historical mysteries, so I enjoy the occasional bit of romance as well. I think Miss Wetherham’s Wedding is setContinueContinue reading “Miss Wetherham’s Wedding – Linore Rose Burkard”

Marion Lane and the Midnight Murder – T.A. Willberg

Marion Lane and the Midnight Murder was a bizarre novel that easily could have been several hundred more pages. T.A. Willberg introduces us to a post-WWII London where Miss Brickett’s Bookshop is actually just a front for London’s most secret, underground, and innovative detective agency. Housed in tunnels rumored to have been built by alchemistsContinueContinue reading “Marion Lane and the Midnight Murder – T.A. Willberg”

A Canopy of Stars – Stephen Taylor

A Canopy of Stars by Stephen Taylor was both accurate to its synopsis on the back of the book, and delightfully surprising. My thanks to Taylor, an experienced author, NetGalley, and Sapere books for the advanced copy. A Canopy of Stars was published on December 10, 2020, and more information about the novel and theContinueContinue reading “A Canopy of Stars – Stephen Taylor”

A Sinister Service – Alyssa Maxwell

The Renshaw siblings are into intrigue again in the latest installment in the Lady and Lady’s Maid mystery series. A Sinister Service comes out on Jan 21, 2021, and if you want to follow the Renshaws into another cozy mystery with an unexpected ending, you won’t be disappointed with this book. My thanks to NetGalleyContinueContinue reading “A Sinister Service – Alyssa Maxwell”