Murder Most Fair – Anna Lee Huber

Thank you, NetGalley, Kensington Books, and Anna Lee Huber for the advanced copy of Murder Most Fair, the newest book in the Verity Kent series. It comes out on August 30, 2021. Verity and Sidney are finally making a 5-year overdue trip to see Verity’s family, all of whom have been hearing her mother sayContinueContinue reading “Murder Most Fair – Anna Lee Huber”

A Test of Wills – Charles Todd

A Test of Wills, the first novel in the Inspector Ian rutledge series by the mother-son duo Charles Todd, produced mixed feelings for me. The mystery was original, and the character of Ian Rutledge even more so. However, I’m not sure how much I enjoyed the tone and the pace of the story. I amContinueContinue reading “A Test of Wills – Charles Todd”

This Side of Murder – Anna Lee Huber

I started and finished This Side of Murder in the same day, which should tell you how sucked in I was. I made the mistake of finishing it late at night, and the last third of the book made me so apprehensive that I lightly jogged to my bedroom! This is the first novel inContinueContinue reading “This Side of Murder – Anna Lee Huber”