A Certain Darkness – Anna Lee Huber

Thanks, NetGalley and Kensington Books for the advanced copy of A Certain Darkness by Anna Lee Huber! As the newest book in the Verity Kent series, I was ready to get my hands on it. I’ve been more or less on the fence about Verity but, after this book, have decided that I want toContinueContinue reading “A Certain Darkness – Anna Lee Huber”

A Pretty Deceit – Anna Lee Huber

You should be familiar with Anna Lee Huber’s name if you’ve read some of my earliest reviews (Lady Darby), and I reviewed the first book in her Verity Kent series (This Side of Murder). I have never (a strong word, but true!) been disappointed by a Huber novel, and the fourth installment in the VerityContinueContinue reading “A Pretty Deceit – Anna Lee Huber”

This Side of Murder – Anna Lee Huber

I started and finished This Side of Murder in the same day, which should tell you how sucked in I was. I made the mistake of finishing it late at night, and the last third of the book made me so apprehensive that I lightly jogged to my bedroom! This is the first novel inContinueContinue reading “This Side of Murder – Anna Lee Huber”