The title of this novel by Rhys Bowen is great foreshadowing for the plot – is the Royal Pain Her Highness, the queen of England and Georgie’s relative? Or is it the Bavarian princess the queen has tasked Georgie with entertaining? Or, is simply being royal a pain, as Georgie isn’t allowed to work forContinueContinue reading “A Royal Pain – Rhys Bowen”
Author Archives: SamIAmReading
India Black: A Madam of Espionage Mystery – Carol K. Carr
You can expect any book whose first line is “My name is India Black. I am a whore,” to pack a punch, and this one certainly does. India hasn’t had an easy life as a prostitute working the streets of London, but we find her in a place where she’s the owner of her ownContinueContinue reading “India Black: A Madam of Espionage Mystery – Carol K. Carr”
Title: A Poisoned Season
Author: Tasha Alexander Lady Emily Ashton, a widow, astounds her fellow socialites by drinking Port, studying Greek, resisting remarriage, and – perhaps most scandalous of all – reading in public. A Poisoned Season is the second book in the Lady Emily series, and was a lot more enjoyable than the first for me. I feltContinueContinue reading “Title: A Poisoned Season”
A Long(mire) Post
Title: Hell Is Empty Author: Craig Johnson I never expected to be so captivated by the Longmire series; I watched TV series on Netflix and decided to pick up the books. If you’re still watching the show, don’t worry about spoilers – just about the only thing the novels and film have in common areContinueContinue reading “A Long(mire) Post”
Title: Death Comes to London Author: Catherine Lloyd
Author: Catherine Lloyd In the second book in the Kurland St. Mary Mystery series by Catherine Lloyd, readers are entertained in a humdrum way by “the season” in London. Lucy Harrington has arrived from the village of Kurland St. Mary with her beautiful sister, Anna, in hopes of finding her a suitable husband – andContinueContinue reading “Title: Death Comes to London Author: Catherine Lloyd”
Title: A Grave Matter
Author: Anna Lee Huber With a sincerely punny title, Anna Lee Huber draws readers into the third installment in the Lady Darby mystery series. Complete with grave robbing, the Scottish mob, and a handsome partner-in-detection, this book is packed with the perfect balance of intricate mystery with a fortifying helping of romance. Don’t let theContinueContinue reading “Title: A Grave Matter”
Welcome to My New Books Blog
Introducing… Me! This is my first blog (ever) so please be patient with me while I’m learning. Q&A: Q: Why did you create this blog?A: When I get really invested in a book, I love to talk about it – and it’s hard to get a worthwhile reaction out of your pet, who’s only listeningContinueContinue reading “Welcome to My New Books Blog”