The Lost Boys of London – Mary Lawrence

I was given an ARC of Mary Lawrence’s The Lost Boys of London by the author herself – thanks, Mary! This novel is the fifth and final novel in the Bianca Goddard mystery series. It comes out on April 28, which means that you all are less than a month away from reading this well-writtenContinueContinue reading “The Lost Boys of London – Mary Lawrence”

The Lazarus Curse – Tessa Harris

I’ve just put down The Lazarus Curse by Tessa Harris; it’s the fourth book in the Dr. Thomas Silkstone mysteries. Although a bit dark – even darker than Sebastian St. Cyr, at times – this was a gripping read that I wanted to follow through until the end.  Dr. Thomas Silkstone, quasi-betrothed to Lady LydiaContinueContinue reading “The Lazarus Curse – Tessa Harris”

The September Society – Charles Finch

I once read several reviews for this novel that described it as predictable and a disappointment compared to the first book in the series, A Beautiful Blue Death, which is why it’s taken me so long to pick it up. I figured I should give this book a shot because reviews aren’t everything – itContinueContinue reading “The September Society – Charles Finch”

Crowned and Dangerous – Rhys Bowen

Queenie is staying in Ireland!!! Hooray!!! It took all the way until the end to reveal the best news of the whole book!!! As you know from my last review, I had become quite tired of Georgie’s bumbling maid, Queenie. She was fine for about three books after Georgie hired her, but has since gottenContinueContinue reading “Crowned and Dangerous – Rhys Bowen”

A Royal Pain – Rhys Bowen

The title of this novel by Rhys Bowen is great foreshadowing for the plot – is the Royal Pain Her Highness, the queen of England and Georgie’s relative? Or is it the Bavarian princess the queen has tasked Georgie with entertaining? Or, is simply being royal a pain, as Georgie isn’t allowed to work forContinueContinue reading “A Royal Pain – Rhys Bowen”