A Deadly Endowment – Alyssa Maxwell

In the latest installment of the Lady and Lady’s Maid mystery series by Alyssa Maxwell, Lady Phoebe Renshaw and her maid Eva Huntford are enthusiastic about opening the Renshaw family estate for tours. However, the rest of the Renshaw family has some misgivings, which are soon realized beyond their expectations when a tour guest isContinueContinue reading “A Deadly Endowment – Alyssa Maxwell”

A Sinister Service – Alyssa Maxwell

The Renshaw siblings are into intrigue again in the latest installment in the Lady and Lady’s Maid mystery series. A Sinister Service comes out on Jan 21, 2021, and if you want to follow the Renshaws into another cozy mystery with an unexpected ending, you won’t be disappointed with this book. My thanks to NetGalleyContinueContinue reading “A Sinister Service – Alyssa Maxwell”

Murder at Queen’s Landing – Andrea Penrose

I have long anticipated Murder at Queen’s Landing as the next novel in the Wrexford and Sloane mystery series. I was gifted a copy from NetGalley and Kensington Books, and I loved it! It comes out on Tuesday, and you can find out more information on www.andreapenrose.com. Lord Wrexford and (now) Lady Charlotte Sloan haveContinueContinue reading “Murder at Queen’s Landing – Andrea Penrose”