Murder at the Royal Botanic Gardens – Andrea Penrose

4/5 Stars HELLO WREXFORD AND SLOANE! Whew! I was so worried that we wouldn’t hear any more from them after their engagement. I’m so happy they’re continuing to solve scientifically-based crime. In Murder at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Lord Wrexford is ready to introduce Lady Charlotte Sloane to society as his fiancee, a complicated enoughContinueContinue reading “Murder at the Royal Botanic Gardens – Andrea Penrose”

Murder at Queen’s Landing – Andrea Penrose

I have long anticipated Murder at Queen’s Landing as the next novel in the Wrexford and Sloane mystery series. I was gifted a copy from NetGalley and Kensington Books, and I loved it! It comes out on Tuesday, and you can find out more information on Lord Wrexford and (now) Lady Charlotte Sloan haveContinueContinue reading “Murder at Queen’s Landing – Andrea Penrose”

Murder at Half Moon Gate – Andrea Penrose

We first encountered the duo of Lord Wrexford and Charlotte Sloane in their first adventure, where they teamed up in order to clear Lord Wrexford’s name of a murder he didn’t commit. Wrexford knows that Charlotte is the person behind the infamous A.J. Quill political cartoons, her most valuable secret. Between Wrexford’s scientific knowledge andContinueContinue reading “Murder at Half Moon Gate – Andrea Penrose”