The Lost Boys of London – Mary Lawrence

I was given an ARC of Mary Lawrence’s The Lost Boys of London by the author herself – thanks, Mary! This novel is the fifth and final novel in the Bianca Goddard mystery series. It comes out on April 28, which means that you all are less than a month away from reading this well-writtenContinueContinue reading “The Lost Boys of London – Mary Lawrence”

A Gift of Sanctuary – Candace Robb

Robb seems to be getting a little more morose with her writing, as we lost Brother Wulfstan in the last book and have another tragic demise here. We also see the return of an old frenemy of Owen’s – but no spoilers!     In A Gift of Sanctuary, Owen Archer (spy for the Archbishop ofContinueContinue reading “A Gift of Sanctuary – Candace Robb”

The Apothecary Rose – Candace M Robb

I’ve stepped about 500 years back in time from my normal historical mystery eras of Victorian and Regency to the 1300’s in York, England. The Apothecary Rose followed Owen Archer, a one-eyed former-army-captain-turned-spy, assigned to investigate the death of one of the Archbishop’s wards. Initially, I was not excited about beginning this book as IContinueContinue reading “The Apothecary Rose – Candace M Robb”