Edinburgh Twilight – Carole Lawrence

What an introduction to Detective Inspector Ian Hamilton! I got a Kindle edition for free via Amazon Reading and dug straight in because none of my libraries had this book. In my opinion, not purchasing it was a big mistake. Edinburgh Twilight had all the promise of being a likeable novel, and I was notContinueContinue reading “Edinburgh Twilight – Carole Lawrence”

An Unlikely Spy – Rebecca Starford

An Unlikely Spy by Rebecca Starford follows the life of Evelyn Varley, an Oxford graduate risen far beyond her station in life to the ranks of undercover MI5 agent during WWII. Evelyn is bright, resourceful, and has always striven to reinvent herself to blend in, which makes her a good undercover agent. When tasked withContinueContinue reading “An Unlikely Spy – Rebecca Starford”

Murder at Queen’s Landing – Andrea Penrose

I have long anticipated Murder at Queen’s Landing as the next novel in the Wrexford and Sloane mystery series. I was gifted a copy from NetGalley and Kensington Books, and I loved it! It comes out on Tuesday, and you can find out more information on www.andreapenrose.com. Lord Wrexford and (now) Lady Charlotte Sloan haveContinueContinue reading “Murder at Queen’s Landing – Andrea Penrose”

Sidney Chambers and the Shadow of Death – James Runcie

Hello, and welcome to my review of the first book in the Grantchester mystery series, starring our much-loved priest, Sidney Chambers. You may know the name from the PBS series Grantchester (and, let’s face it, admired our handsome Sidney on the screen). Like anything else, this TV series was based on novels by James Runcie.ContinueContinue reading “Sidney Chambers and the Shadow of Death – James Runcie”

Murder in the Queen’s Wardrobe – Kathy Lynn Emerson

Murder in the Queen’s Wardrobe was an experience for me, as it was my first novel of Kathy Lynn Emerson’s that I’ve read, and also my first novel that I’ve read on my Kindle! For those of you following along at home, I’ve purchased a Kindle due to my library being closed during the COVID-19ContinueContinue reading “Murder in the Queen’s Wardrobe – Kathy Lynn Emerson”

Symptoms of Death – Paula Paul

In The Symptoms of Death, we are introduced to Dr. Alexandra Gladstone, a female doctor with a special license to practice medicine, who has inherited her father’s practice. She’s at a weekend party that the local earl is hosting when a hysterical maid bursts into the dining room brandishing a kitchen knife, saying that she’sContinueContinue reading “Symptoms of Death – Paula Paul”

Secrets in the Stones – Tessa Harris

I felt obligated to read this book since I have read all of the others – although, to be honest, I just skimmed the previous one. This is the latest and, I think, last book in the Dr. Silkstone series, I am happy to report. I wrote a really positive review of The Lazarus Curse,ContinueContinue reading “Secrets in the Stones – Tessa Harris”

The September Society – Charles Finch

I once read several reviews for this novel that described it as predictable and a disappointment compared to the first book in the series, A Beautiful Blue Death, which is why it’s taken me so long to pick it up. I figured I should give this book a shot because reviews aren’t everything – itContinueContinue reading “The September Society – Charles Finch”

Uneasy Lies the Crown – Tasha Alexander

I am almost caught up to the current Lady Emily novel! This is the 13th in the Lady Emily series, and it doesn’t disappoint. I’d commented in my review of a previous novel, A Terrible Beauty, that it felt like Alexander was revisiting old ground, and I had mixed feelings about that novel. Not soContinueContinue reading “Uneasy Lies the Crown – Tasha Alexander”

Crowned and Dangerous – Rhys Bowen

Queenie is staying in Ireland!!! Hooray!!! It took all the way until the end to reveal the best news of the whole book!!! As you know from my last review, I had become quite tired of Georgie’s bumbling maid, Queenie. She was fine for about three books after Georgie hired her, but has since gottenContinueContinue reading “Crowned and Dangerous – Rhys Bowen”