A Brilliant Deception – Kathleen Fuller

“A Brilliant Deception” is anything but. The plot is thin, the romance weak, and the characters stereotypical. The upside is that it’s fairly short, so you won’t have to spend a ton of time not liking it – I read it in two-ish hours. I have to give Fuller a little bit of leniency, here,ContinueContinue reading “A Brilliant Deception – Kathleen Fuller”

Murder at Half Moon Gate – Andrea Penrose

We first encountered the duo of Lord Wrexford and Charlotte Sloane in their first adventure, where they teamed up in order to clear Lord Wrexford’s name of a murder he didn’t commit. Wrexford knows that Charlotte is the person behind the infamous A.J. Quill political cartoons, her most valuable secret. Between Wrexford’s scientific knowledge andContinueContinue reading “Murder at Half Moon Gate – Andrea Penrose”

A Royal Pain – Rhys Bowen

The title of this novel by Rhys Bowen is great foreshadowing for the plot – is the Royal Pain Her Highness, the queen of England and Georgie’s relative? Or is it the Bavarian princess the queen has tasked Georgie with entertaining? Or, is simply being royal a pain, as Georgie isn’t allowed to work forContinueContinue reading “A Royal Pain – Rhys Bowen”

India Black: A Madam of Espionage Mystery – Carol K. Carr

You can expect any book whose first line is “My name is India Black. I am a whore,” to pack a punch, and this one certainly does.  India hasn’t had an easy life as a prostitute working the streets of London, but we find her in a place where she’s the owner of her ownContinueContinue reading “India Black: A Madam of Espionage Mystery – Carol K. Carr”

Title: A Poisoned Season

Author: Tasha Alexander Lady Emily Ashton, a widow, astounds her fellow socialites by drinking Port, studying Greek, resisting remarriage, and – perhaps most scandalous of all – reading in public. A Poisoned Season is the second book in the Lady Emily series, and was a lot more enjoyable than the first for me. I feltContinueContinue reading “Title: A Poisoned Season”

Title: Death Comes to London Author: Catherine Lloyd

Author: Catherine Lloyd In the second book in the Kurland St. Mary Mystery series by Catherine Lloyd, readers are entertained in a humdrum way by “the season” in London. Lucy Harrington has arrived from the village of Kurland St. Mary with her beautiful sister, Anna, in hopes of finding her a suitable husband – andContinueContinue reading “Title: Death Comes to London Author: Catherine Lloyd”