The Smuggler’s Daughter – Kerry Barrett

Usually, novels that jump between past and present are not my favorite, because they tend to be pretty transparent in their plot due to two short stories in one novel. While this wasn’t not the case with The Smuggler’s Daughter by Kerry Barrett, I did find myself sucked into the story and really wanting toContinueContinue reading “The Smuggler’s Daughter – Kerry Barrett”

Sweet Poison – David Roberts

After crashing his car on the way to his brother’s informal gathering of influential men, Lord Edward Corinth is rescued by communist reporter Verity Browne, who happens to be nearby as she’s interviewing his sister-in-law, the Duchess of Mersham, the next day. As they’re disastrously late, and Edward was supposed to mitigate some tension atContinueContinue reading “Sweet Poison – David Roberts”

Maisie Dobbs – Jacqueline Winspear

I’d read a Daisy Dalrymple novel a couple of years ago (after she was married) before I started this blog/knew she was a series, and I didn’t really like the mystery I read, so I’ve stayed away from her books. For some reason, I kept getting her confused with Maisie Dobbs, which is why IContinueContinue reading “Maisie Dobbs – Jacqueline Winspear”

Absence of Mercy – S.M. Goodwin

Usually, I can tell within the first chapter of a book whether I’m going to like it or not, and I knew after the prologue that I wouldn’t want to put Absence of Mercy down.

Murder at the Mikado – Julianna Deering

Murder at the Mikado, the third novel in the Drew Farthering mystery series, has not transformed into the series-saver that I’d hoped. I thought the first one was okay (see my Rules of Murder review), and I didn’t review the second one for you all as I didn’t think it was worth writing about (toContinueContinue reading “Murder at the Mikado – Julianna Deering”

A Pretty Deceit – Anna Lee Huber

You should be familiar with Anna Lee Huber’s name if you’ve read some of my earliest reviews (Lady Darby), and I reviewed the first book in her Verity Kent series (This Side of Murder). I have never (a strong word, but true!) been disappointed by a Huber novel, and the fourth installment in the VerityContinueContinue reading “A Pretty Deceit – Anna Lee Huber”

Murder at Queen’s Landing – Andrea Penrose

I have long anticipated Murder at Queen’s Landing as the next novel in the Wrexford and Sloane mystery series. I was gifted a copy from NetGalley and Kensington Books, and I loved it! It comes out on Tuesday, and you can find out more information on Lord Wrexford and (now) Lady Charlotte Sloan haveContinueContinue reading “Murder at Queen’s Landing – Andrea Penrose”

Mortmain Hall – Martin Edwards

Thanks NetGalley and Poisoned Pen Press for my Advanced copy of Mortmain Hall by Martin Edwards. If you’d like to learn more about Martin Edwards and his writing, his website is If you’d like more information on Mortmain Hall, I will point you to Edwards’ blog at  Mortmain Hall was on offer from NetGalleyContinueContinue reading “Mortmain Hall – Martin Edwards”

A Killer in King’s Cove – Iona Whishaw

A Killer in King’s Cove, the first in the Lane Winslow mystery series by Iona Whishaw, was very palatable. There were elements that I liked, and some that I didn’t, but I can’t stop thinking about it (and that I will have to get the next one out of the library).  Lane Winslow has foundContinueContinue reading “A Killer in King’s Cove – Iona Whishaw”

A Dangerous Goodbye – Fliss Chester

— Disclaimer: this is a long one! Please have the patience to read until the end! — In Fliss Chester’s first attempt at a cozy historical mystery, Fenella Churche, puzzle and crossword enthusiast, is trying to find out what happened to her fiance, Arthur, who, like many others, never came home from the war. UnlikeContinueContinue reading “A Dangerous Goodbye – Fliss Chester”