A Newlywed’s Guide to Fortune and Murder – Dianne Freeman

Finally Mrs. Hazelton instead of the Countess of Harleigh, Frances is looking for a way to fill her time while her new husband, George, is on a mission from the British Museum. She finds one in the dowager Viscountess Winstead, who wants Frances to sponsor her niece, Kate, for presentation to the Queen. When FrancesContinueContinue reading “A Newlywed’s Guide to Fortune and Murder – Dianne Freeman”

Unladylike Lessons in Love – Amita Murray

I was approved pretty late to get the ARC of Unladylike Lessons in Love by Amita Murray, so I apologize for getting this out past the publication date. However, this review includes good news on all fronts so I hope she and the publishers will forgive me! I was gifted a copy of this bookContinueContinue reading “Unladylike Lessons in Love – Amita Murray”

Pernicious Proclivities – W. Michael Hewitt

Thank you, Mr. Hewitt, for reaching out to me with a copy of Pernicious Proclivities. I am giving this review voluntarily. Pernicious Proclivities takes place a bit more recently than my other recent historical reads, but it didn’t stop me from enjoying the novel. It took me a little bit to adjust to the voiceContinueContinue reading “Pernicious Proclivities – W. Michael Hewitt”

Playing It Safe – Ashley Weaver

Thank you, Ashley Weaver, St. Martin’s Press, and NetGalley for the gifted copy of Playing It Safe, the third novel in Weaver’s Electra McDonnell series. I am leaving this review voluntarily and enthusiastically, as I really liked this novel. I give it 4.5/5 stars.  Ellie McDonnell is once again summoned by Major Ramsey, this timeContinueContinue reading “Playing It Safe – Ashley Weaver”

A Certain Darkness – Anna Lee Huber

Thanks, NetGalley and Kensington Books for the advanced copy of A Certain Darkness by Anna Lee Huber! As the newest book in the Verity Kent series, I was ready to get my hands on it. I’ve been more or less on the fence about Verity but, after this book, have decided that I want toContinueContinue reading “A Certain Darkness – Anna Lee Huber”

Death and the Conjuror – Tom Mead

In the first of a full-length series of Joseph Spector novels, Tom Mead brings a classic locked-room mystery with Death and the Conjuror. As someone who recently watched all of Jonathan Creek, I was drawn to this novel about a trick designer who is recruited to solve crime. I thought this was a well-written, locked-roomContinueContinue reading “Death and the Conjuror – Tom Mead”

Our Little Life – Dodie Bishop

I said in my review of The Other Side of Silence (the first in the Silence and Shadows, see review here) that I’d like to see a series stem from the book, and Bishop has fulfilled my wish! Great excitement was had when I saw Our Little Life available for review on BookSirens. I haveContinueContinue reading “Our Little Life – Dodie Bishop”

In Place of Fear – Catriona McPherson

You may know Catriona McPherson’s name from her Dandy Gilver mystery series (entertaining and comical with excellent plots; highly recommend), as did I before reading In Place of Fear. Now I have a totally different novel and heroine to attribute to her, and they were just as excellent. As far as a standalone mystery goes,ContinueContinue reading “In Place of Fear – Catriona McPherson”

The Other Side of Silence – Dodie Bishop

Although I receive most of my ARC titles from NetGalley, I also belong to another review site called BookSirens, which I often forget to look at. I found The Other Side of Silence by Dodie Bishop on BookSirens, and am so glad I did. I ended up really enjoying this novel and was surprised atContinueContinue reading “The Other Side of Silence – Dodie Bishop”

The Letter from Briarton Park – Sarah E Ladd

Sarah E Ladd is not an inexperienced author; she’s got three trilogies under her belt so it’s not surprising that I enjoyed reading The Letter from Briarton Park. It was romantic, suspenseful, and ended happily, which I always appreciate. I give it four out of five stars.  Cassandra Hale has just discovered a mysterious letterContinueContinue reading “The Letter from Briarton Park – Sarah E Ladd”