An Affair of Spies – Ronald H Balson

No stranger to writing historical novels, Ronald H Balson has produced An Affair of Spies, a very interesting historical romance thriller. I really enjoyed this novel – historical romance thriller/mystery is my favorite niche category – as I learned a lot amidst an action-packed book. I’d give this novel five out of five stars forContinueContinue reading “An Affair of Spies – Ronald H Balson”

Murder at Midnight – John Ukah

Thanks, The Fearless Storyteller, for reaching out with a copy of Murder at Midnight by John Ukah. I was given a copy of the book and give this review voluntarily.  Alex Simpson, a former police officer now turned private investigator, is having a relaxing stay at a resort he’s been to before, along with anContinueContinue reading “Murder at Midnight – John Ukah”

A Tenuous Betrothal – Jen Geigle Johnson

You know what I haven’t done in a while? Written a blog post! Apologies to all two of my faithful readers who have been eagerly awaiting my next review of a very niche genre (that’s a joke, you may laugh). Onward! You know I’ve been sucked into the historical romance genre, and I’m quite enjoyingContinueContinue reading “A Tenuous Betrothal – Jen Geigle Johnson”

A Slave to Kings – Dodie Bishop

In the third book in the Silence and Shaows series, Dodie Bishop once again brings the drama and the heat with Raphael and Susannah Rossi. I’ve really been enjoying this series, and I hope this isn’t the last novel. I think it wrapped things up with Sam, but I’m hoping Bishop will continue the seriesContinueContinue reading “A Slave to Kings – Dodie Bishop”

Worth Fighting For – Matilda Madison

I wish I knew that Worth Fighting For was the second in a series, but it didn’t hurt the book at all for me. I believe the first book is Worth Waiting For. I found Worth Fighting For to be engaging, if formulaic, and I give it four out of five stars. Catherine, the widowedContinueContinue reading “Worth Fighting For – Matilda Madison”

The Bridge of Little Jeremy – Indrajit Garai

It’s been a while since I’ve been solicited to review a book, so I was really pleased when I received a request to review The Bridge of Little Jeremy by Indrajit Garai. It was way out of my normal reading comfort zone, but it’s good to expose yourself to new things, right? I found itContinueContinue reading “The Bridge of Little Jeremy – Indrajit Garai”

A Certain Darkness – Anna Lee Huber

Thanks, NetGalley and Kensington Books for the advanced copy of A Certain Darkness by Anna Lee Huber! As the newest book in the Verity Kent series, I was ready to get my hands on it. I’ve been more or less on the fence about Verity but, after this book, have decided that I want toContinueContinue reading “A Certain Darkness – Anna Lee Huber”

Death and the Conjuror – Tom Mead

In the first of a full-length series of Joseph Spector novels, Tom Mead brings a classic locked-room mystery with Death and the Conjuror. As someone who recently watched all of Jonathan Creek, I was drawn to this novel about a trick designer who is recruited to solve crime. I thought this was a well-written, locked-roomContinueContinue reading “Death and the Conjuror – Tom Mead”

Our Little Life – Dodie Bishop

I said in my review of The Other Side of Silence (the first in the Silence and Shadows, see review here) that I’d like to see a series stem from the book, and Bishop has fulfilled my wish! Great excitement was had when I saw Our Little Life available for review on BookSirens. I haveContinueContinue reading “Our Little Life – Dodie Bishop”

In Place of Fear – Catriona McPherson

You may know Catriona McPherson’s name from her Dandy Gilver mystery series (entertaining and comical with excellent plots; highly recommend), as did I before reading In Place of Fear. Now I have a totally different novel and heroine to attribute to her, and they were just as excellent. As far as a standalone mystery goes,ContinueContinue reading “In Place of Fear – Catriona McPherson”