Hall of Mirrors – Roxanne Lalande

Hall of Mirrors takes place in the court of Versailles in the reign of King Louis. Lady-in-Waiting Mathilde and her lover Robin find a skeleton in the woods while adventuring, along with a strange pendant, and Mathilde is determined to find out why. When Robin’s family becomes implicated, Mathilde turns to her friend Catherine, whoContinueContinue reading “Hall of Mirrors – Roxanne Lalande”

Murder Most Fair – Anna Lee Huber

Thank you, NetGalley, Kensington Books, and Anna Lee Huber for the advanced copy of Murder Most Fair, the newest book in the Verity Kent series. It comes out on August 30, 2021. Verity and Sidney are finally making a 5-year overdue trip to see Verity’s family, all of whom have been hearing her mother sayContinueContinue reading “Murder Most Fair – Anna Lee Huber”

Edinburgh Twilight – Carole Lawrence

What an introduction to Detective Inspector Ian Hamilton! I got a Kindle edition for free via Amazon Reading and dug straight in because none of my libraries had this book. In my opinion, not purchasing it was a big mistake. Edinburgh Twilight had all the promise of being a likeable novel, and I was notContinueContinue reading “Edinburgh Twilight – Carole Lawrence”

The Smuggler’s Daughter – Kerry Barrett

Usually, novels that jump between past and present are not my favorite, because they tend to be pretty transparent in their plot due to two short stories in one novel. While this wasn’t not the case with The Smuggler’s Daughter by Kerry Barrett, I did find myself sucked into the story and really wanting toContinueContinue reading “The Smuggler’s Daughter – Kerry Barrett”

Sweet Poison – David Roberts

After crashing his car on the way to his brother’s informal gathering of influential men, Lord Edward Corinth is rescued by communist reporter Verity Browne, who happens to be nearby as she’s interviewing his sister-in-law, the Duchess of Mersham, the next day. As they’re disastrously late, and Edward was supposed to mitigate some tension atContinueContinue reading “Sweet Poison – David Roberts”

Marion Lane and the Midnight Murder – T.A. Willberg

Marion Lane and the Midnight Murder was a bizarre novel that easily could have been several hundred more pages. T.A. Willberg introduces us to a post-WWII London where Miss Brickett’s Bookshop is actually just a front for London’s most secret, underground, and innovative detective agency. Housed in tunnels rumored to have been built by alchemistsContinueContinue reading “Marion Lane and the Midnight Murder – T.A. Willberg”

Absence of Mercy – S.M. Goodwin

Usually, I can tell within the first chapter of a book whether I’m going to like it or not, and I knew after the prologue that I wouldn’t want to put Absence of Mercy down.

Deception at Thornecrest – Ashley Weaver

Thank you, Netgalley, for the ARC of this book! I’m in a virtual book group and we were all so excited to get our hands on the newest installment of the Amory Ames series by Ashley Weaver. Deception at Thornecrest comes out on September 8, 2020, and I think that readers will really enjoy it. ContinueContinue reading “Deception at Thornecrest – Ashley Weaver”

The Last Kashmiri Rose – Barbara Cleverly

I really like Barbara Cleverly’s writing; I’ve read her Laetitia Talbot series (starring a chipper, female archaeologist in the late 1920’s) and was disappointed only in the fact that it was three books long! I decided to try her Commander Joe Sandilands series, because if I couldn’t have more Laetitia, I could at least haveContinueContinue reading “The Last Kashmiri Rose – Barbara Cleverly”

Murder on the Lusitania – Conrad Allen

I’m not sure whether I was more enchanted with the mystery, writing, or the history of the Lusitania itself in Murder on the Lusitania by Conrad Allen. I really had a good time reading this novel; it was really well-written, well-crafted, and entertaining to the end. George Porter Dillman is plainclothes security aboard the Lusitania’sContinueContinue reading “Murder on the Lusitania – Conrad Allen”