The Ghost of Glendale – Natalie Kleinman

I initially picked up The Ghost of Glendale from NetGalley as I was intrigued by a ghost aspect in addition to a romance plot. Despite its 4-star average, I’d give this novel a three out of five-star rating, and that’s being a bit generous. I received a free copy of this book in return forContinueContinue reading “The Ghost of Glendale – Natalie Kleinman”

Murder at the Royal Botanic Gardens – Andrea Penrose

4/5 Stars HELLO WREXFORD AND SLOANE! Whew! I was so worried that we wouldn’t hear any more from them after their engagement. I’m so happy they’re continuing to solve scientifically-based crime. In Murder at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Lord Wrexford is ready to introduce Lady Charlotte Sloane to society as his fiancee, a complicated enoughContinueContinue reading “Murder at the Royal Botanic Gardens – Andrea Penrose”

A Deadly Endowment – Alyssa Maxwell

In the latest installment of the Lady and Lady’s Maid mystery series by Alyssa Maxwell, Lady Phoebe Renshaw and her maid Eva Huntford are enthusiastic about opening the Renshaw family estate for tours. However, the rest of the Renshaw family has some misgivings, which are soon realized beyond their expectations when a tour guest isContinueContinue reading “A Deadly Endowment – Alyssa Maxwell”

The Barrister and the Letter of Marque – Todd M. Johnson

As far as a NetGalley find goes, The Barrister and the Letter of Marque was a hidden gem. I wasn’t very into it at first, but as it picked up speed, I became very intrigued.  In 1818 London, young lawyer William Snopes has hit a high point in his career of representing the average personContinueContinue reading “The Barrister and the Letter of Marque – Todd M. Johnson”

Hall of Mirrors – Roxanne Lalande

Hall of Mirrors takes place in the court of Versailles in the reign of King Louis. Lady-in-Waiting Mathilde and her lover Robin find a skeleton in the woods while adventuring, along with a strange pendant, and Mathilde is determined to find out why. When Robin’s family becomes implicated, Mathilde turns to her friend Catherine, whoContinueContinue reading “Hall of Mirrors – Roxanne Lalande”

Murder Most Fair – Anna Lee Huber

Thank you, NetGalley, Kensington Books, and Anna Lee Huber for the advanced copy of Murder Most Fair, the newest book in the Verity Kent series. It comes out on August 30, 2021. Verity and Sidney are finally making a 5-year overdue trip to see Verity’s family, all of whom have been hearing her mother sayContinueContinue reading “Murder Most Fair – Anna Lee Huber”

Loch Down Abbey – Beth Cowan-Erksine

I picked Loch Down Abbey from NetGalley (thank you, NetGalley) as an advanced copy without any knowledge of Beth Cowan-Erksine as an author. As I read through the book, I found that Cowan-Erksine’s writing style was totally enchanting, but the plot a little transparent. I did enjoy Loch Down Abbey as a quirky and amusingContinueContinue reading “Loch Down Abbey – Beth Cowan-Erksine”

Edinburgh Twilight – Carole Lawrence

What an introduction to Detective Inspector Ian Hamilton! I got a Kindle edition for free via Amazon Reading and dug straight in because none of my libraries had this book. In my opinion, not purchasing it was a big mistake. Edinburgh Twilight had all the promise of being a likeable novel, and I was notContinueContinue reading “Edinburgh Twilight – Carole Lawrence”

Miss Wetherham’s Wedding – Linore Rose Burkard

My thanks to Linore Rose Burkard for sending me an ARC of her latest release, Miss Wetherham’s Wedding. As you know, I am more inclined to read historical mysteries, but my bread and butter is romantic historical mysteries, so I enjoy the occasional bit of romance as well. I think Miss Wetherham’s Wedding is setContinueContinue reading “Miss Wetherham’s Wedding – Linore Rose Burkard”

An Unlikely Spy – Rebecca Starford

An Unlikely Spy by Rebecca Starford follows the life of Evelyn Varley, an Oxford graduate risen far beyond her station in life to the ranks of undercover MI5 agent during WWII. Evelyn is bright, resourceful, and has always striven to reinvent herself to blend in, which makes her a good undercover agent. When tasked withContinueContinue reading “An Unlikely Spy – Rebecca Starford”