Rules of Murder – Julianna Deering

Rules of Murder by Juliana Deering introduces readers to Drew Farthering, an upper-class owner of a oil-processing plant in the 1930’s. He’s just come home from the Italian Riviera, and is looking forward to spending some time with his stepfather, mother, and learning the family business. However, he doesn’t really get the chance as duringContinueContinue reading “Rules of Murder – Julianna Deering”

Miss Tavistock’s Mistake – Linore Rose Burkard

I have to admit, when Ms. Burkard approached me with reviewing Miss Tavisotck’s Mistake, I was a little hesitant, as I’m more of a mystery person than romance. However, I do love some romance in my mysteries, so I thought I’d give it a try. I was far from disappointed, and if you’d like toContinueContinue reading “Miss Tavistock’s Mistake – Linore Rose Burkard”

The Devil in Music – Kate Ross

It took me three days to finish this book, and the only reason it took me that long was because I only had time to read in the evenings! It’s a pity when anyone passes away, but the loss of Kate Ross has done the literary world, especially, a great disservice. The Devil in MusicContinueContinue reading “The Devil in Music – Kate Ross”

A Brilliant Deception – Kathleen Fuller

“A Brilliant Deception” is anything but. The plot is thin, the romance weak, and the characters stereotypical. The upside is that it’s fairly short, so you won’t have to spend a ton of time not liking it – I read it in two-ish hours. I have to give Fuller a little bit of leniency, here,ContinueContinue reading “A Brilliant Deception – Kathleen Fuller”

A Royal Pain – Rhys Bowen

The title of this novel by Rhys Bowen is great foreshadowing for the plot – is the Royal Pain Her Highness, the queen of England and Georgie’s relative? Or is it the Bavarian princess the queen has tasked Georgie with entertaining? Or, is simply being royal a pain, as Georgie isn’t allowed to work forContinueContinue reading “A Royal Pain – Rhys Bowen”

Title: A Grave Matter

Author: Anna Lee Huber With a sincerely punny title, Anna Lee Huber draws readers into the third installment in the Lady Darby mystery series. Complete with grave robbing, the Scottish mob, and a handsome partner-in-detection, this book is packed with the perfect balance of intricate mystery with a fortifying helping of romance. Don’t let theContinueContinue reading “Title: A Grave Matter”