Secrets in the Stones – Tessa Harris

I felt obligated to read this book since I have read all of the others – although, to be honest, I just skimmed the previous one. This is the latest and, I think, last book in the Dr. Silkstone series, I am happy to report. I wrote a really positive review of The Lazarus Curse,ContinueContinue reading “Secrets in the Stones – Tessa Harris”

Vienna Waltz – Teresa Grant

Vienna Waltz by Teresa Grant is 400+ pages, and, man, does it deserve that volume. This is the first novel in the Malcolm and Suzanne Rannoch series, and it does an exquisite job introducing readers not only to the characters of Malcolm and Suzanne, but other, more minor, characters as well. Despite its length, eachContinueContinue reading “Vienna Waltz – Teresa Grant”

A Gift of Sanctuary – Candace Robb

Robb seems to be getting a little more morose with her writing, as we lost Brother Wulfstan in the last book and have another tragic demise here. We also see the return of an old frenemy of Owen’s – but no spoilers!     In A Gift of Sanctuary, Owen Archer (spy for the Archbishop ofContinueContinue reading “A Gift of Sanctuary – Candace Robb”

The Lazarus Curse – Tessa Harris

I’ve just put down The Lazarus Curse by Tessa Harris; it’s the fourth book in the Dr. Thomas Silkstone mysteries. Although a bit dark – even darker than Sebastian St. Cyr, at times – this was a gripping read that I wanted to follow through until the end.  Dr. Thomas Silkstone, quasi-betrothed to Lady LydiaContinueContinue reading “The Lazarus Curse – Tessa Harris”

Murder at the Columbarium – Emily Gallo

I was contacted by Emily Gallo to read and review her novel Murder at the Columbarium. Yes, I did have to look up what a columbarium was, and it’s a neat concept of a building that houses urns and memorials to those deceased. This story is set in the San Francisco columbarium, which is aContinueContinue reading “Murder at the Columbarium – Emily Gallo”

Crowned and Dangerous – Rhys Bowen

Queenie is staying in Ireland!!! Hooray!!! It took all the way until the end to reveal the best news of the whole book!!! As you know from my last review, I had become quite tired of Georgie’s bumbling maid, Queenie. She was fine for about three books after Georgie hired her, but has since gottenContinueContinue reading “Crowned and Dangerous – Rhys Bowen”

A Most Novel Revenge – Ashley Weaver

I don’t think I’ve done a review on Ashley Weaver and Amory Ames yet, which has been a misstep on my part – although, in my defense, I only just stumbled upon her series. This is the third book in the Amory Ames Series, and I’m finding that it’s a pretty easygoing read, similar toContinueContinue reading “A Most Novel Revenge – Ashley Weaver”

The Apothecary Rose – Candace M Robb

I’ve stepped about 500 years back in time from my normal historical mystery eras of Victorian and Regency to the 1300’s in York, England. The Apothecary Rose followed Owen Archer, a one-eyed former-army-captain-turned-spy, assigned to investigate the death of one of the Archbishop’s wards. Initially, I was not excited about beginning this book as IContinueContinue reading “The Apothecary Rose – Candace M Robb”

Malice at the Palace – Rhys Bowen

In the tenth installment of the Royal Spyness series, Bowen delivers a novel that I concluded with mixed feelings. The mystery was average, at best, but I was totally sucked into Lady Georgianna Rannoch’s personal life and feelings. As I’ve now read ten of her novels, I’ve concluded that Bowen does an extraordinary job withContinueContinue reading “Malice at the Palace – Rhys Bowen”

Murder at Half Moon Gate – Andrea Penrose

We first encountered the duo of Lord Wrexford and Charlotte Sloane in their first adventure, where they teamed up in order to clear Lord Wrexford’s name of a murder he didn’t commit. Wrexford knows that Charlotte is the person behind the infamous A.J. Quill political cartoons, her most valuable secret. Between Wrexford’s scientific knowledge andContinueContinue reading “Murder at Half Moon Gate – Andrea Penrose”