Hall of Mirrors – Roxanne Lalande

Hall of Mirrors takes place in the court of Versailles in the reign of King Louis. Lady-in-Waiting Mathilde and her lover Robin find a skeleton in the woods while adventuring, along with a strange pendant, and Mathilde is determined to find out why. When Robin’s family becomes implicated, Mathilde turns to her friend Catherine, whoContinueContinue reading “Hall of Mirrors – Roxanne Lalande”

To Shield the Queen – Fiona Buckley

I’ll be honest; I procrastinated checking this book out from the library because I didn’t like the cover. I feel, in that respect, that I did the book a disservice – it’s unfair to not want to read a book because the cover art is bad, just like you shouldn’t feel bad about disliking aContinueContinue reading “To Shield the Queen – Fiona Buckley”

The Lost Boys of London – Mary Lawrence

I was given an ARC of Mary Lawrence’s The Lost Boys of London by the author herself – thanks, Mary! This novel is the fifth and final novel in the Bianca Goddard mystery series. It comes out on April 28, which means that you all are less than a month away from reading this well-writtenContinueContinue reading “The Lost Boys of London – Mary Lawrence”

Secrets in the Stones – Tessa Harris

I felt obligated to read this book since I have read all of the others – although, to be honest, I just skimmed the previous one. This is the latest and, I think, last book in the Dr. Silkstone series, I am happy to report. I wrote a really positive review of The Lazarus Curse,ContinueContinue reading “Secrets in the Stones – Tessa Harris”

Uneasy Lies the Crown – Tasha Alexander

I am almost caught up to the current Lady Emily novel! This is the 13th in the Lady Emily series, and it doesn’t disappoint. I’d commented in my review of a previous novel, A Terrible Beauty, that it felt like Alexander was revisiting old ground, and I had mixed feelings about that novel. Not soContinueContinue reading “Uneasy Lies the Crown – Tasha Alexander”

Murder at the Columbarium – Emily Gallo

I was contacted by Emily Gallo to read and review her novel Murder at the Columbarium. Yes, I did have to look up what a columbarium was, and it’s a neat concept of a building that houses urns and memorials to those deceased. This story is set in the San Francisco columbarium, which is aContinueContinue reading “Murder at the Columbarium – Emily Gallo”

Crowned and Dangerous – Rhys Bowen

Queenie is staying in Ireland!!! Hooray!!! It took all the way until the end to reveal the best news of the whole book!!! As you know from my last review, I had become quite tired of Georgie’s bumbling maid, Queenie. She was fine for about three books after Georgie hired her, but has since gottenContinueContinue reading “Crowned and Dangerous – Rhys Bowen”

A Terribly Beauty – Tasha Alexander

By now, you’ll have seen that I’ve reviewed a few of Lady Emily’s adventures by Tahsa Alexander. I don’t want to review every book in a series because that would get monotonous, so I’m just trying to take a deeper look at those that speak to me. A Terrible Beauty definitely spoke to me, butContinueContinue reading “A Terribly Beauty – Tasha Alexander”

A Most Novel Revenge – Ashley Weaver

I don’t think I’ve done a review on Ashley Weaver and Amory Ames yet, which has been a misstep on my part – although, in my defense, I only just stumbled upon her series. This is the third book in the Amory Ames Series, and I’m finding that it’s a pretty easygoing read, similar toContinueContinue reading “A Most Novel Revenge – Ashley Weaver”

Murder at Half Moon Gate – Andrea Penrose

We first encountered the duo of Lord Wrexford and Charlotte Sloane in their first adventure, where they teamed up in order to clear Lord Wrexford’s name of a murder he didn’t commit. Wrexford knows that Charlotte is the person behind the infamous A.J. Quill political cartoons, her most valuable secret. Between Wrexford’s scientific knowledge andContinueContinue reading “Murder at Half Moon Gate – Andrea Penrose”