A Sinister Service – Alyssa Maxwell

The Renshaw siblings are into intrigue again in the latest installment in the Lady and Lady’s Maid mystery series. A Sinister Service comes out on Jan 21, 2021, and if you want to follow the Renshaws into another cozy mystery with an unexpected ending, you won’t be disappointed with this book. My thanks to NetGalleyContinueContinue reading “A Sinister Service – Alyssa Maxwell”

Absence of Mercy – S.M. Goodwin

Usually, I can tell within the first chapter of a book whether I’m going to like it or not, and I knew after the prologue that I wouldn’t want to put Absence of Mercy down.

A Pretty Deceit – Anna Lee Huber

You should be familiar with Anna Lee Huber’s name if you’ve read some of my earliest reviews (Lady Darby), and I reviewed the first book in her Verity Kent series (This Side of Murder). I have never (a strong word, but true!) been disappointed by a Huber novel, and the fourth installment in the VerityContinueContinue reading “A Pretty Deceit – Anna Lee Huber”

A Killer in King’s Cove – Iona Whishaw

A Killer in King’s Cove, the first in the Lane Winslow mystery series by Iona Whishaw, was very palatable. There were elements that I liked, and some that I didn’t, but I can’t stop thinking about it (and that I will have to get the next one out of the library).  Lane Winslow has foundContinueContinue reading “A Killer in King’s Cove – Iona Whishaw”

Symptoms of Death – Paula Paul

In The Symptoms of Death, we are introduced to Dr. Alexandra Gladstone, a female doctor with a special license to practice medicine, who has inherited her father’s practice. She’s at a weekend party that the local earl is hosting when a hysterical maid bursts into the dining room brandishing a kitchen knife, saying that she’sContinueContinue reading “Symptoms of Death – Paula Paul”

Vienna Waltz – Teresa Grant

Vienna Waltz by Teresa Grant is 400+ pages, and, man, does it deserve that volume. This is the first novel in the Malcolm and Suzanne Rannoch series, and it does an exquisite job introducing readers not only to the characters of Malcolm and Suzanne, but other, more minor, characters as well. Despite its length, eachContinueContinue reading “Vienna Waltz – Teresa Grant”

The Reek of Red Herrings – Catriona McPherson

I am well into the Dandy Gilver mystery series, now – this is the ninth book in the series. I had to skip books three and four, I think, because my library didn’t have them! They don’t have the next few, either, so I am seeing what I can do with an interlibrary loan. IContinueContinue reading “The Reek of Red Herrings – Catriona McPherson”

A Gift of Sanctuary – Candace Robb

Robb seems to be getting a little more morose with her writing, as we lost Brother Wulfstan in the last book and have another tragic demise here. We also see the return of an old frenemy of Owen’s – but no spoilers!     In A Gift of Sanctuary, Owen Archer (spy for the Archbishop ofContinueContinue reading “A Gift of Sanctuary – Candace Robb”

Uneasy Lies the Crown – Tasha Alexander

I am almost caught up to the current Lady Emily novel! This is the 13th in the Lady Emily series, and it doesn’t disappoint. I’d commented in my review of a previous novel, A Terrible Beauty, that it felt like Alexander was revisiting old ground, and I had mixed feelings about that novel. Not soContinueContinue reading “Uneasy Lies the Crown – Tasha Alexander”

The Apothecary Rose – Candace M Robb

I’ve stepped about 500 years back in time from my normal historical mystery eras of Victorian and Regency to the 1300’s in York, England. The Apothecary Rose followed Owen Archer, a one-eyed former-army-captain-turned-spy, assigned to investigate the death of one of the Archbishop’s wards. Initially, I was not excited about beginning this book as IContinueContinue reading “The Apothecary Rose – Candace M Robb”